1.5 x 1.5 Platform 1.55 x 3m Slide Fireman’s Pole 1.5 Ramp & Rope 1.5 ...
Jungle gyms are great for children’s development as they encourage free play, and helps to keep your children physically active while protecting them against childhood obesity. Jungle gyms also enhance a suitable environment to build emotional and mental skills, such as understanding of special awareness and goal planning. Jungle gyms also help to allow children to compete with one another which develops social skills.
Jungle gyms are also a great form of exercise, however when you are looking to buy a jungle gym, you need to find out what you need on the jungle gym so that it can best benefit your child. Jungle gyms help children to get and keep fit, having a jungle gym also provides a great place for children of all ages to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives, they are also a great way for children to interact with others, share and build friendships, they also help with hand and eye co-ordination.
Monkey bars are a great way to stretch your muscles so even if you have purchased a jungle gym for your child you as an adult can also benefit. The ladder on the monkey bars is a suitable place to do leg lifts. You can also use the bars to do pull ups and chin ups, making this a great way for you to give your arms, upper body and stomach a work out while spending time outside paying with your children.
Climbing works most of your major muscle groups and creates good balance skills and body control. Climbing also helps with problem solving, and challenges your child to improve their memory, as they will need to remember certain grips, as well as the best hand and foot co-ordination. Climbing also helps with awareness of space and direction as your child will have to decide on the best path to take to reach their destination.
This all helps to develop strength and co-ordination as well as increase stamina.
Joy trampoline specializes in wooden jungle gyms, and we take great care in the timber that we use.
Our poles are gum poles which are all CCA treated, which makes our timber, very safe to use, and allows for a longer life span. Using proper treated timber allows us the manufacture, to have confidence that our product will not be attached by fungi and insects.
We then go a step further and we vanish our timber with a mahogany wood sealer. This wood sealer is made especially for us as it is better that using your day to day vanish.
Not only does Joy Trampoline have standard jungle gyms, but we also do custom jungle gyms, so that you can ensure that all your child’s needs are met. When we do custom jungle gyms we will do the designs as well. We can offer two types of roofs on our jungle gyms for kids, you can choose between the shade net roof or the conventional wooden roof. The shade net roofs come in either blue or green.
We can also add onto your existing jungle gym, so if you need a few things then we are the go to people.
The slides that we use on our jungle gyms and all fibre glass which are stronger than other materials such as plastic. Our slides also have a hose attachment at the back so that you can turn your slide into a fun water slide on those hot summer days. Our slides come in three vibrant colours, Red, Blue and Green. If you are looking for something a bit different then we also have wave slides as well as curve slides, this gives your jungle gym a touch of personality.
Joy Trampoline goes all out to satisfy our clients, therefore where the client is we will go.
We do outdoor play equipment for kids in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Gauteng.
Joy Trampoline jungle gym prices
Joy trampoline ensures that we are able to provide good quality jungle gyms at the same time of been able to keep our prices as cheap as possible.
We do charge a delivery fee dependant on the area that we have to install in.